If you build you own movie library in iTunes, then you want it to look perfect. Imagine to have all information about the movie at hand - actors, release date, directors, overview ect. And of cause you want nice looking cover arts for your library. All this brings MetaMovie to your movies. Tagged movies look great on your Apple TV.
Tagging your movies with information and cover arts is as simple as possible: Drag your movie files to the movie list of MetaMovie, mark all movies, start the TMDb-search, adjust the cover if you like, and press "Save“ to store all the information to your movie files. Of cause, you can change the movie information in the main window before saving. Now you can import the tagged movie files to your iTunes library. Your movies show up with nice looking covers and on your Apple-TV and other devices you will see many information about your movie.
MetaMovie supports the actual MPEG4-standard formats .mp4 und .m4v. The m4v-format is recommended for iTunes.
Optionally, MetaMove can load chapters and subtitles for your movies.
MetaMovie brings special features to EyeTV users. You can transfer EPEG-information from EyeTV files to your movie very easily. Drag & Drop the .eyetv file to MetaMovie and the Information of the EyeTV file is copied to the information fields. If you select the option "prepare for iPhone" in EyeTV, then you can edit the hidden m4v-file in the EyeTV package directly. Select a cover and press "Save as" to copy the m4v-iPhone file to any place you want.